Monday, October 21, 2019

Conference by the Numbers: October 2019

This post is coming a little later this year than usual, but only delayed, not forgotten!

What words or topics were emphasized in the October 2019 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? The infographic below shows words that were used more than the typical conference of the past, and occurred at least 25 times.

Note that these are words used more often than average, but are not necessarily the most-used words of the conference. For example, Jesus, Christ, and God, are the most-used non-lexicon words (lexicon words are the the, and, it, of... words). However, because they typically take top rankings in most conferences, they don't often get a "higher than average" ranking. Some more details on word analysis can be found in this past post.

For this conference I included a list of top-cited scripture chapters based on the number of unique speakers that cited the chapter. Several speakers cited a scripture chapter multiple times, but I only counted it once per talk. For an additional look at scripture citations during conference, see these past posts (Dec 2017Jan 2018, Mar 2015).

Past "Conference by the Numbers" blog posts:

April 2019
October 2018
April 2018
October 2017
April 2017
October 2016
April 2016
October 2015
April 2015
October 2014